Our Assumptions
Basic Assumptions:
For every kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy consumed, 1.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere. For every therm, 11.7 pounds or carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere.
The average price for electricity is $0.106 per kWh and the average price for natural gas is $1.21 per therm.
For every gallon of gasoline consumed, 20 pounds of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere.
All Energy Star appliance calculations assume average Energy Star models, average conventional models, and average appliance usage.
Change Your Light Bulbs
I have replaced __ 60-watt standard light bulbs with 13-watt CFL bulbs
I have replaced __ 75-watt standard light bulbs with 20-watt CFL bulbs
I have replaced __ 100-watt standard light bulbs with 23-watt CFL bulbs
Over the course of its lifetime, a 13-watt compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) will emit 752 pounds of CO2 less than a standard 60-watt incandescent light bulb, a 20-watt CFL will emit 880 pounds of CO2 less than a standard 75-watt light bulb, and a 23-watt CFL will emit 1232 pounds of CO2 less than a standard 100-watt light bulb. These calculations assume the replacement of a 1,000-hour standard light bulb with a 10,000-hour CFL. Also assumes is that for every kWh of energy consumed, 1.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere.
Source: Energy Star "Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs Savings Calculator" at www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=bulk_purchasing.bus_purchasing
Plant Trees
I have planted __ trees
Over the course of its 40-year lifetime the average tree can absorb around one ton of CO2.
Source: www.climatecrisis.org
I have saved __ acres of tropical rainforest
The slashing and burning of one acre of rainforest releases 80 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Buy ENERGY STAR Appliances
I have purchased an ENERGY STAR refrigerator
Over the course of the average Energy Star rated refrigerator's 13-year lifespan, it will emit 1,661 pounds of CO2 less than an average conventional model. This calculation assumes that you are choosing to install an Energy Star refrigerator with a top mount freezer into your home instead of a conventional model and that for every kWh of energy consumed, 1.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere.
Source: Energy Star "Residential Refrigerator Savings Calculator" at www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=bulk_purchasing.bus_purchasing
I have purchased an ENERGY STAR dishwasher and have an electric water heater
I have purchased an ENERGY STAR dishwasher and have a natural gas water heater
Assuming that the average lifespan of a dishwasher is 10 years, that 1.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every kWh of energy consumed, and that the average household runs four loads of dishes each week, an Energy Star rated dishwasher that utilizes an electric water heater saves an average of 1,155 lbs of CO2 over the course of its lifetime. The average Energy Star rated dishwasher that utilizes a natural gas powered water heater saves an average of 508 lbs of CO2 over the course of its lifetime.
Source: Energy Star "Residential Dishwasher Savings Calculator" at www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=bulk_purchasing.bus_purchasing
I have purchased an ENERGY STAR washing machine and have an electric water heater
I have purchased an ENERGY STAR washing machine and have a natural gas water heater
Assuming that the lifespan of an average washing machine is 11 years, that 1.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every kWh of energy consumed, and that the average household runs four loads of wash each week, an Energy Star rated washing machine that utilizes an electric water heater saves an average of 2,672 lbs of CO2 over the course of its lifetime. An Energy Star rated washing machine that utilizes a natural gas powered water heater saves an average of 504 lbs of CO2 over the course of its lifetime.
Source: Energy Star "Residential Dishwasher Savings Calculator" at www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=bulk_purchasing.bus_purchasing
I have purchased an ENERGY STAR oil-fired furnace
I have purchased an ENERGY STAR natural gas-fired furnace
During its 17-year lifespan, an average Energy Star rated oil furnace will emit approximately 65,513 pounds of CO2 less than an average conventional unit. During the 18-year lifespan of an average Energy Star gas-fired furnace, it will emit 55,698 pounds of CO2 less than an average conventional unit. This calculation assumes that you are replacing the furnace of a 2,500 square foot home located in one of the Mid-Atlantic States with a new Energy Star furnace that uses a programmable thermostat. Also assumed is that 159.5 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every million British Thermal Units (MMBtu) of oil consumed and that 116.3 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every MMBtu of gas consumed.
Source: Energy Star "Residential Furnace Savings Calculator" at www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=bulk_purchasing.bus_purchasing
I have purchased an ENERGY STAR oil-fired boiler
I have purchased an ENERGY STAR natural gas-fired boiler
During its 20-year lifespan, an average Energy Star rated oil-fired boiler will emit around 150,910 pounds of CO2 less than an average conventional unit. During the 20-year lifespan of an average Energy Star rated gas-fired boiler, it will emit 110,036 pounds of CO2 less than an average conventional unit. These calculations assume that the house is located in a place with a climate similar to that in Washington DC and that the new furnace uses a programmable thermostat. Also assumed is that 159.5 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every MMBtu of oil consumed and that 116.3 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every MMBtu of gas consumed.
Source: Energy Star "Residential Boiler Savings Calculator" at www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=bulk_purchasing.bus_purchasing
I have purchased __ ENERGY STAR air conditioner(s)
The average Energy Star rated air conditioner saves 2,195 lbs of CO2 from being emitted over its 11-year lifecycle. This calculation assumes that an Energy Star model is used instead of a conventional air conditioner, in average US climatic conditions, and that 1.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every kWh of energy consumed.
Source: Energy Star "Residential Room Air Conditioner Savings Calculator" at www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=bulk_purchasing.bus_purchasing
I have purchased __ ENERGY STAR desktop computer(s) and monitor(s)
Using an Energy Star rated desktop computer and monitor can reduce CO2 emissions by 1,274 lbs over their 4-year lifespan. Most of the savings—1,154 pounds CO2—come from the monitor. These calculations assume the replacement of an average conventional computer with a 17" monitor with an average Energy Star rated computer with a 17" LCD monitor. Also assumed is that 1.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every kWh of energy consumed.
Source: Energy Star "Computer and Monitor Savings Calculators" at www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=bulk_purchasing.bus_purchasing
I have purchased __ ENERGY STAR television(s)
Over the 9-year lifetime of an average Energy Star rated television, it produces 619 pounds of CO2 less than an average conventional unit. This calculation assumes that 1.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every kWh of energy consumed.
Source: Energy Star "Television Savings Calculator" at www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=bulk_purchasing.bus_purchasing
Conserve Energy
I will adjust my thermostat down __ °F in the winter
I will adjust my thermostat up __ °F in the summer
Adjusting your thermostat down in the winter or up in the summer will reduce CO2 emissions by 500 pounds a year for each degree.
Source: www.climatecrisis.org
I will keep my computer off for __hours per day
This calculation assumes that each hour pledged will be adhered to every day of the year. Calculation is for a desktop computer with a 17" monitor that is used an average of 250 days a year. Also assumed is that 1.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every kWh of energy consumed.
Source: Energy Star "Computer and Monitor Savings Calculators" at www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=bulk_purchasing.bus_purchasing
I do not own a computer
If you do not own or use your own computer you can save approximately 5,107 pounds of CO2 from being produced. This calculation assumes average computer usage and a 4-year lifespan for a desktop computer with 17" regular monitor. Also assumed is that 1.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every kWh of energy consumed.
Source: Energy Star "Computer and Monitor Savings Calculators" at www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=bulk_purchasing.bus_purchasing
I do not own a TV
If you do not have a TV in your home you can save approximately 2,700 pounds of CO2 from being produced. This calculation assumes a 9-year lifespan for a TV and that the average TV in the United States is on for 5.5 hours a day. Also assumed is that 1.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every kWh of energy consumed.
Source: Energy Star "Television Savings Calculator" at www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=bulk_purchasing.bus_purchasing
I do not own an air conditioner
If you do not use an air conditioner in your home you can save approximately 23,707 pounds of CO2 from being produced over its 11-year lifespan. Assumes a location with a climate similar to that of Washington DC. Also assumed is that 1.6 pounds of carbon dioxide are emitted for every kWh of energy consumed.
Source: Energy Star "Residential Room Air Conditioner Savings Calculator" at www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=bulk_purchasing.bus_purchasing
Use Hot Water Efficiently
I have turned down my hot water heater to 120 degrees
If you turn your hot water heater down to 120 degrees you can save 8,250 pounds of CO2 over its 15-year lifespan.
Source: www.climatecrisis.org
I have wrapped my water heater in insulation
If you wrap your hot water heater in an insulating blanket you can save 15,000 pounds of CO2 from being produced over is 15-year lifespan.
Source: www.climatecrisis.org
I have installed a low-flow showerhead
By installing a low-flow showerhead and reducing the amount of hot water being produced, you can save 2,450 pounds of CO2 from being produced over the showerhead's 7-year lifespan.
Source: www.climatecrisis.org
I have installed low-low sink heads or faucet aerators
By installing low-flow sink heads or faucet aerators and reducing the amount of hot water being produced, you can save 3,150 pounds of CO2 from being produced over their 7-year lifespan.
I will wash my clothes with cold or warm water instead of hot
By washing clothes in cold or warm water instead of hot, 500 pounds of CO2 can be saved each year. Assumes 2 loads of wash completed each week.
Source: www.enviroliteracy.org/article.php/1345.html
Buy Clean Energy
I have purchased renewable energy for __% of my electric bill
Assumes the purchase of wind or solar generated power and no direct CO2 emissions associated with the purchase of this renewable energy. The renewable energy purchased for this action can be from a utility offering energy from renewable power sources or through the purchase of renewable energy credits.
I have installed a solar or wind power system that provides __% of my electricity
Assumes no direct CO2 emissions associated with the use of wind and solar power.
Drive Less—Drive Smart
I will take public transportation __ days per week
Assumes that taking public transportation cuts CO2 emissions by 90%. Also assumes the average person commutes 50 weeks per year, that 20 pounds of CO2 are emitted for every gallon of gasoline consumed, and that the mileage for the car not driven is 22 miles per gallon.
I will walk or bike __ days per week
Assumes no direct CO2 emissions associated with walking or biking. Also assumes the average person commutes 50 weeks per year, that 20 pounds of CO2 are emitted for every gallon of gasoline consumed, and that the mileage for the car not driven is 22 miles per gallon.
I will carpool or carshare __ days per week
Assumes sharing a ride with one other person, that the average person commutes 50 weeks per year, that 20 pounds of CO2 are emitted for every gallon of gasoline consumed, and that the mileage for the car not driven is 22 miles per gallon. Also assumes that the weight of one extra person in the car does not increase the amount of gasoline consumed.
I will telecommute from a home office __ days per week
Assumes no additional CO2 emissions associated with telecommuting from home. Also assumes the average person commutes 50 weeks per year, that 20 pounds of CO2 are emitted for every gallon of gasoline consumed, and that the mileage for the car not driven is 22 miles per gallon.
I will keep my car properly tuned
Keeping your car properly tuned reduces CO2 emissions by an average of 545 pounds a year. This calculation assumes that the average car is driven 12,000 miles a year and has a fuel efficiency of 22 mpg; an average of 20 pounds of CO2 are produced per gallon of gasoline consumed; and, there is a 5% reduction in gas use as a result of keeping the car tuned.
Sources: www.enviroliteracy.org/article.php/1345.html; www.epa.gov/otaq/climate/420f05004.htm
I will ensure there is sufficient tire pressure in cars I drive
Ensuring that there is sufficient pressure in car tires reduces CO2 emissions by an average of 327 pounds a year. This calculation assumes that the average car is driven 12,000 miles a year and has a fuel efficiency of 22 mpg; an average of 20 pounds of CO2 are produced per gallon of gasoline consumed; and, CO2 emissions from driving are reduced by 3% as a result of keeping tires properly inflated.
Sources: www.climatecrisis.org; www.epa.gov/otaq/climate/420f05004.htm
I have replaced my gasoline powered car with a hybrid
This calculation assumes that average car is driven 12,000 miles a year, that an average of 20 pounds of CO2 are produced per gallon of gasoline consumed and that the average new car is owned for 4 years before it is traded in for a new one. Also assumed is that the average small car has a fuel efficiency of 30 mpg, the average mid-sized car has a fuel efficiency of 23 mpg, and the average large car or SUV has a fuel efficiency of 18 mpg. Hybrid mileages come from www.greenhybrid.com.
Sources: www.epa.gov/otaq/climate/420f05004.htm; www.greenhybrid.com
Eat Green
I will eat a vegetarian diet __ days a week
According to Gidon Eschel and Pamela A. Martin of the University of Chicago, a person with a red meat diet emits the global warming equivalent of 2.52 tons of CO2 a year more than a person with a vegetarian diet. For each day a week you eat on a vegetarian diet, you save 718 lbs of CO2 a year. It is assumed that the portion of animal-based calories in the diet is 26%.
Source: geosci.uchicago.edu/~gidon/papers/nutri/nutriEI.pdf
I will eat only locally-produced food __ days a week
According to www.climatecrisis.org, the average meal in the United States travels 1,200 miles from the farm to your plate. The average local meal travels 200 miles. If a truck travels just 10 miles per gallon of gasoline, it requires 100 gallons of fuel to transport food the excess distance.
Source: www.climatecrisis.org
I will eat organic food __ days per week
For every day of the week that you eat only organically produced food, you save 572 pounds of CO2 from being emitted each year.
Source: www.stopglobalwarming.org/carboncalculator.asp?c=5
Reduce Waste—Support Recycling
I now buy recycled paper with __% post-consumer waste content
Switching to using only 100% post consumer recycled paper reduces CO2 emissions by 288 pounds per year. This calculation assumes that the average per capita paper consumption in the United States is 273 pounds per year and that one ton of paper with a post consumer recycled content of 100% emits 2,108 less pounds of CO2 equivalent than non-recycled paper.
Source: Environmental impact estimates were made using the Environmental Defense Paper Calculator. For more information visit www.papercalculator.org.
I will recycle all my white and mixed paper
For every pound of paper that is recycled, CO2 emissions are reduced by 4 pounds. This calculation assumes a yearly per capita paper consumption of 273 pounds and a 100% recycling rate.
Sources: www.enviroliteracy.org/article.php/1345.html
I will recycle all my newspaper
Recycling 100% of your newspaper waste can reduce your annual CO2 emissions by 184 pounds. This calculation assumes a 100% newspaper recycling rate and average waste generation; it also takes into account the CO2 produced throughout the paper's lifecycle.
Source: epa.gov/climatechange/wycd/calculator/ind_calculator.html
I will recycle all my aluminum and steel cans
Recycling 100% of your aluminum and steel cans can reduce your annual CO2 emissions by 166 pounds. This calculation assumes a 100% recycling rate and average waste generation; it also takes into account the CO2 produced throughout the metal's lifecycle.
Source: epa.gov/climatechange/wycd/calculator/ind_calculator.html
I have reduced my garbage by 10% by buying products with less packaging and carrying my own shopping bags
Reducing your garbage by 10% can save 1,200 lbs of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere. An additional 17 pounds of CO2 can be saved each year by bringing your own bags to the grocery store.
Source: www.climatecrisis.org; www.seattleu.edu/sustainability/gi_be_waste.asp
I have reduced the amount of junk mail that I receive by taking myself off of mailing lists
The amount of resources and energy it takes to produce the 5.2 million tons of bulk mail sent out in the United States each year result in the production of 92 pounds of CO2 per person annually.
Source: www.newdream.org/cnad/user/ttt_detail.php?config[r55][instance_uid]=4
Offset Your Emissions
I have offset __ miles of my car travel
Assumes average vehicle mileage of 22 miles per gallon and the release of 20 pounds of carbon dioxide per gallon of gasoline consumed.
I have offset __ miles of my air travel
Assumes CO2 emissions of 0.417 pounds per mile flown.
Source: www.carbonfund.org